Monday, January 4, 2010


Dear Vish,

The thing that mummy will regret for the rest of my life is for not being able to breastfeed you....mummy always blame myself for not breasfeed.....honestly mummy really jealous at other mom who can exclusively breastfee d their baby.... matter how good and expensive formula mummy give to you....but still can't substitute the goodness of breastmilk...hence mummy have promise to myself to give the best for you....for the beginning mummy use only Elken RO water to make ur milk (100% pure water... contaminated free), mummy give you the best formula which is Enfalac A+ (before decided to give u this brand mummy conduct a lot of research, make comparison among all the formula brands, consult paed and found this is the best furthermore it suitable for u) mummy also start to give you Appeton Infant Drop when you 4 mths old to ensure you grow healthly...since you are never breastfeed mummy will find other alternative to enhance your immune system...and thank GOD until now you never fall sick....


Kika Mohamad said...

wah vish vish dh besar .. bile nak jumpe vish ni ;)

Agnes Kanyan @ Mummy Vish said...

nanti kita jumpa bila i pergi KL ye....cium utk nini...muaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....vish makin nakal n manja

Mommy Stephanie Liah And Daddy Remy Rizal said...

read abt goats milk in my blog.or google.

Agnes Kanyan @ Mummy Vish said...

i have read about it babe in ur blog.....but at sarawak difficult to get the supply...huhu...