Friday, May 7, 2010


Dear handsome lets check out what are your progress/milestones... at 9 months
  • MASTERED IN CLIMBING UP.....Successfully climbed up the staircase, sofa, furniture & bed
  • MASTERED IN CLIMBING DOWN ....Successfully climbed down from bed with your bump down first and when your feet reach ground you will smiled and grinned as a sign you feel safe now....
  • ATTEMPTED TO STAND SOLO....Attempted to stand solo (pumping style) but end up felt down...then getting frustrated....still in the process of learning to walk
  • MASTERED IN PULLED OUT & CRUISED..Happily pulled out yourself and cruised all over place most of the time but still very caution going back to sitting position...
  • VERY TALK ACTIVE & INTERACTIVE....Very talkative and interactive... can clearly say mamam .....pooh (when u look at pooh u will says "apooh...apooh"..very clever)....abuh...mama....papa....mimi...didi.....ngai....nenen
  • FRIENDLY AND HAPPY GO LUCKY .....inherited from mommy & daddy..but you don't like people cuddle you....
  • FAST LEARNER & IMITATOR....Very fast learner and fast imitator (always follow what people do especially facial expression)
  • LOVES TO WAVE BYE BYE ......frequently wave bye bye to people....friendly boy
  • LOVES TO CLAP HAND....automatically clapping hand every time you listen to song or when you hear mommy singing
  • LOVES TO SIGN HIGH FIVE....just say high five you will raise your hand to sign high five
  • LOVES TO SHAKE HEAD........always shakes your head when mommy say no no....and whenever you rejected your food (sign of refusal)
  • LOVES KISSING & HUGGING....our face are all covered with your saliva....
  • LOVES SINGING .....your all the time fav song are little sunny water, humpty dumpty & you are my sunshine...
  • FOOD LOVER....Loves homemade porridge (chicken, salmon or cod mix with veges), cheese stick & pasta (thanks to Mommy Stephanie Liah for introducing) fruits (banana, papaya, avocado, apple, pear, raisin)
  • UNDERSTAND COMMAND ....Understand command very well...mommy just say then you do (wave bye bye, no no, shake your head, pull your tongue, kiss me, clap hand, give five)
  • SUPERTANTRUM ....Very mangah (tantrum) don't ever take anything from u or disturb when u doing something.....
  • 4 TEETH.....Has 4 teeths (2 for both upper and lower central) another two coming up as well...
  • MOUTH OBJECT...all the time fav...will bite etc.....(as usual)
  • START TO POINT OUT....start to point out with your index finger at something you interest with and says "aaaah....aaaaaaaaaah" cute of u dear....
A lot of kisses & loves
Mommy & Daddy


Mommy Stephanie Liah And Daddy Remy Rizal said...

apu enda brasai dah 9months...happy bday handsome!

Agnes Kanyan @ Mummy Vish said...

ba ya nda berasai babe....thanks mommy steph..........memuaaaaaaaaah

Unknown said...

wah cepat la progress dia!
thumbs up vish =D