Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hi Etiey, Agnes dh send kat FB inbox Etiey aritu mungkin ada masalah fb tu Etiey tak harini agnes try publish lagi sebab hri tu html error...luckily kali ni ok dh boleh publish...

FYI in Malaysia we are facing difficulty to get this type of formula as not many choices available in the market (mostly for infant below 12 becoz the cases for those 1yr and above is very rare) and it olso quite expensive...but for the sake of the child as Etiey said it doesn't matter as long as Esyraf membesar bagai Etiey this is some information about hypoallergenic infant specially designed for infant with allergy to milk protien...however i would advice etiey to confirm whether esyraf is really having milk allergy or just lactose intolerance coz there is a bit different between these two...milk allergy mean he will develop the symptom (vomitting, pain, diarhea) immediately after drinking but lactose intolerance he will develop the symptom lebih lama mcm seminggu atau berbulan.

Based on what etiey has told i guess Esyraf might be having lactose intolerance not milk allergy. If so soon he will be like normal kid who can take ordinary formula as he grow up. My advice is Etiey can get second opinion from other paed instead of relying merely on only one the way I don't have medical background to enable me giving the more to sharing based on research through reading.....hopefully this will give little help to Etiey....don't worry Etiey as Esyraf grown up slowly he will be able to take "ordinary formula" the way Pediasure is good choice, it is lactose free + with complete nutrition..again before decided which type of formula u choose please read the label thoroughly and get the approval from paed ....but remember this hypoallergenic fomula has 3 major problems protien, carbohydrate, salt and fat problem.

Hypoallergenic Infant Formula

Hypoallergenic infant formulas are used to help prevent and treat allergic diseases in babies and, occasionally, in children. They are usually derived from cow's milk, but because of the way their proteins have been broken down, they are well-tolerated by most infants.
Using Hypoallergenic Formulas:

Hypoallergenic formulas are commonly recommended in three situations: for babies born into highly atopic families (those with a high number of allergic conditions like asthma, eczema , hay fever, or food allergies) who won't be breastfed or who need a supplementary formula; for babies who are allergic to or intolerant of proteins in formula or breast milk; or for nutrition in people with eosinophilic esophagitis who are allergic to a great many foods.

Types of Hypoallergenic Formulas:

Hypoallergenic formulas come in three main varieties: partially hydrolyzed, extensively hydrolyzed, and free amino acid-based. Hydrolyzed formulas have had the larger protein chains broken down into shorter, easy-to-digest proteins, while free amino acid-based formulas do not include protein chains at all but rather contain all the basic amino acids. Partially hydrolyzed formulas differ from extensively hydrolyzed formulas in that their protein chains can be longer. Alimentum, Nutramigen, and Pregestimil are among brands of hydrolyzed formulas, while Neocate, Elecare, and Nutramigen AA are amino acid formulas.

Paying for Hypoallergenic Formulas:

Hypoallergenic formulas are far more expensive than regular cow's milk formulas. This is one of their major drawbacks.

Working With Your Pediatrician:

Not every child responds well to every hypoallergenic formula. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended extensively hydrolyzed formulas for infants who are not breastfed and who cannot tolerate cow's milk formulas due to allergy.

However, a small percentage of babies do not tolerate extensively hydrolyzed formulas well. A 2008 study examined amino acid formulas and determined that babies who did not tolerate the extensively hydrolyzed formula grew well and were healthier when fed an amino acid formula.

What does this mean for your baby? First, make sure that your doctor is aware of the first sign of food allergy symptomsor other feeding-related difficulties (diarrhea, painful or bloody stools, consistent crying with feedings, or other unusual symptoms that seem to recur with every feeding). Second, don't be discouraged if the first formula your doctor tries for your child isn't a good fit: Several options are on the market, and most families do find one that's satisfactory.


(Alimentum, Nutramigen, Pregestamil) If you see the term "hypoallergenic" on the label, this means that the formula has been proven to cause fewer allergies in babies than standard formulas. Since, by definition, the term "allergy" implies a sensitivity to a protein, the term "hypoallergenic" means that the protein in the formula has been "hydrolyzed" or "predigested," broken down into tinier proteins that are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

Consider these potential problems with hydrolyzed protein formulas.

* The protein problem: In contrast to formulas that advertise "partially hydrolyzed protein," in these formulas the proteins need to be completely hydrolyzed or broken down into smaller parts in order for the label to carry the term "hypoallergenic." This requires intense processing that results in a bitter, almost unpalatable flavor, despite the high content of sweeteners. Tasting one of these formulas is enough to make any mother want to re-lactate.
* The carbohydrate problem. When the protein is hydrolyzed, the lactose is also taken out of the milk, so the manufacturer has to add carbohydrates
* The salt problem. Hypoallergenic formulas are 30 to 90 percent higher in salt.
* The fat problem. The fat blend of Alimentum or Nutramigen is the same as found in each manufacturer's cow's-milk-based formulas, Similac and Enfamil, respectively. The primary fats in Pregestamil are medium-chain triglycerides, an intestinal-friendly fat that is used in children with fat malabsorption disorders. MCT's are a factory-made fat. They do not occur in nature, and they provide no essential fatty acids essential for a baby's growing brain and body. MCT's can be used as an energy supplement to boost weight gain in infants growing slowly. Yet, they should not be a baby's main fat source unless advised by your doctor. Pregestamil should not be given to healthy babies with no proven fat malabsorption disorders, or to infants with impaired liver function.
* The price problem. The infant pays a high nutritional price for these formulas, and parents discover that hypoallergenic formulas are four to five times more expensive than standard formulas.

Milk Brand for hypoallergenic formula

1. Similac’s Alimentum

2. Enfamil’s Pregestimil Lipil


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi..just drop by...
do you want to try meal shakes from shaklee... it has proven good for children who have allergies, eczema and athma...
just visit this link to know better about meal shakes...