For almost four years we have gone through all sweet and sour of life...finally December 2009 we are bless with the most precious gift from God....little one that we have waiting for......no words....no expression...can describe my joy....my excitement.....only God knows.....we are going to be a parent soon...It is true people said " God give you child when you are ready" Our little one "come" at the right time....after I get a job and I am ready enough to hold a big responsibility as a mother...
Nine Amazing Months........
Fourty Wonderful Weeks.....
Three Miraculous Trimester......
Fourty Wonderful Weeks.....
Three Miraculous Trimester......
The miraculous world inside the womb. Being pregnant is a joyous occassion and my most unforgetable moment in life. All moms in the world will feel the same (of course not for unexpected pregnancy). Nine months bearing my little Travissh is full of great memories.........it still fresh in my mind how he kicked, punched and swimed in my womb....honestly I miss all those memories... I talked and communicated with him each day each night....strong relationship that we had built after he being concieved such a miracle.....There nothing can separate us apart......flowing in his blood ...his vein....is my breathe.
Before I get pregnant I always hear people talk about ....morning sickness.....sleepless, tiredness....backpain.... labour pain.....complication and all the "horror" story behind pregnancy and childbirth....I admit it does bring impact in my heart and mind....But everything change when I found that I am pregnant....I forget all the fear because of LOVE...JOY...bring my little one to the world....Darling Travissh, mommy don't mind to gone through all the hardship bearing you for nine months....mommy don't mind to scarifice my career to look after you....mommy don't mind not get enough sleep preparing your milk....changing your diapers...because you are the most precious and priceless gift from God.
First Trimester (Month One, Two, Three)
Flash back.......two weeks after attended my convocation, I had a bad flu, fever and cough. At first, I thought it was an ordinary sickness...but when it not recovered for two weeks although I did take medicine and consult a doctor, I felt weird...was something goes wrong to my body. Normally , I will recover from fever for a few days after taking medicine. It never come accross in my mind that it was the sign of pregnancy although my period was late.....Suddenly, one day (18 December) , I felt I wanted to try pregnancy test kit....who know.... I said to myself.....I asked my hubby to buy from pharmacy nearby our place. It showed positive result.....I am so happy, excited and tears of joy flow out......but it was undeniable....I do feel scared and blured....Am I ready enough physically and physiologically to be a mother? My hubby hugged and kissed me.....I know deep inside her heart...he can't wait to see our little one....He loves baby more than I do.....
I couldn't really slept for the whole nite...I think so many things......can I become a good mother? How he going to look like? who are going to look after him when he born? The next day I informed news of my pregnancy to all my collagues. Since that I received best and special treatment from them. I was treated like a queen....you are so lucky baby everybody love and adore you even before you are born....special thanks to Mama Ling2, Aunty Liew, Ummie Siti, mummy Carol..
Finally i have recovered....no more flu...fever and cough....week 7 (23 December 2008) I went for my first checkup.......normal procedure they measure my weight, height, took my blood, urine test and so on...among all I still remember how pale I was when nurse took my blood..i still can feel the needle and how it "sucked" my blood....baby still unpaipable....
I am consider myself very lucky I didn't experience any bad morning sickness and nausea like other preggies...just minor nausea but consider ok...my apetite also ok just that I hate the smell of chicken.....hence, for the whole first trimester my hubby and I didn't eat chicken...I bought Anmum Materna and took food supplement like Elken Spirulina, Elken Dr. Xeniji, Vitamin A, B complex, C, folic acid and iron...I really particular about what I eat as well to ensure my baby get enough nutrients. ...I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits....my favourite food during first trimester was corncup and fish (any kind of fish especially ikan kembung)
Second Trimester (Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Months)
Time flies very fast....I never miss my monthly checkup and as usually Travissh loyal dad will accompany us......Mummy get first and second tetanus injection at second trimester......no more fear....hehe....I also gain weight and baby growing very fast at this stage.....really can't wait to feel his first quickening.....
One of the most magical, memorable and exciting moment for pregnant woman in second trimester is feeling the baby move for the first time referred as "quickening." Although baby has been wriggling around since ninth week but he or she has been too small for mom to feel. Week 20 for the first time ever, while I was lying down....I felt his first kicks......Feeling those flutters, hiccups and kicks is an amazing and personal moment. Moment I will (for sure) remember for the rest of my life...
All my baby stuffs has been ready during month 4....takut deliver awal...he.he...
Rezeki my little baby I received very good news from UiTM shah Alam informing I get the scholarship doing my Masters.....tak sia sia mummy n baby interview kat shah alam dulu...praise the Lord.
Third Trimester (Month Seven, Eight and Nine)
I still active as usual....just a little bit fatique and getting feel not so comfortable.....especially at nite...hardly get enough sleep......getting impatience to cuddle my little one....
Month seven we went for baby scanning at Kuching Specialist. Thanks God everything ok and he was predicted boy.....of course the most happiest person in the world is dad to be...ada geng watching football match...playing futsal and golf...
Like other preggies I olso craving......I love corncup....almost everyday after back from work we stop by at BDC to buy corncup...another thing that I crave for is durian mentah...dahlah time tu bukan durian season...kempunan i tak dpt mkn...
Healthy Eating
During pregnant I will ensure I eat healthy food. I terpaksa tahan diri tak makan sangat junk food. I took food supplement. Really thankful my baby is healthy.......special thanks to Dr. Zeniji formula (although price very expensive but worth it) to prevent jaundice. I also drink a lot of plain water, Ribena and Anmum. Drink lots of water because loss of it can result in urinal tract infection, dehydration, water retention, constipation etc. I also make myself fresh juices and fruits. According to research to prevent leg swollen makesure pregnant woman drink a lot of water....
Feel Happy
Pregnancy is the rite time to focus on yourself. Don't worry about the 'extra kilos' that you've put on. You look beautiful because women have special gift of connection herself to the unborn physically and psychologically, that's why it is an old saying that whatever a women goes through during pregnancy, the baby gets affected. Thats very true because happy mum for happy baby...
Tips for the would be dad
Just want to share with all the dad to be out there some tips that I found on the Net and also based on my on experience to create strong bond between them with the baby.....the relationship should be built from the beginning...We all know, it's not only the women who experiencing the little bundle of joy, but the would be dad can contribute in the development of the new one. His dream grows with his baby. it is true...really true.....I can see how excited my hubby during my pregnancy.......he always accompany me during my monthly checkup......giving me support and encouragement when I need.....make me a drink...ensured I take enough vitamin....
The father to be can contribute by keeping the homely atmosphere, pleasant, taking care of the medicines, and etc. My hubby really helpful during my pregnancy...he help to clean the house, washing clothes, massage me every nite except for cooking he.he..in fact he don't know how to cook...but he still helped me in the kitchen.
He should be on his toes to quench the thirst of would be mom. He should provide her everything that she craves for to have a healthy baby. Thanks God my hubby really worked hard during my pregnancy...he tried his best to full fill my wish...anything I want to eat he ensured to get for me.
He can even talk to the baby, tell the baby stories, sing lullaby for the abay and spending quality time with the pregnant wife....according to research the moment baby arrives, he/she will immediately recognize his/her father, his voice and will connect to him in no time...Hence almost every nite before we go to bed my hubby will read a bed time story and talked with our little one...at the same time he feel his movement....what i realize is whenever his daddy miss to touch him at nite (due to busy schedule) baby travissh will move alot....
Baby stuffs
Month 4 all my baby stuffs was ready...baby cot...mosquito net...clothes....cupboard...etc...takut deliver awal tak sempat prepare.....don't know why brand walt disney Winnie the Pooh become my choice...if possible all his stuffs pakai brand ni....but difficult to find....price i tak tengok sangat janji puas hati...
This moment will become the most unforgetable one.................hopefully when little Travissh grow up he will appreciate mummy scarifice bringing him to the world........Before I get pregnant I always hear people talk about ....morning sickness.....sleepless, tiredness....backpain.... labour pain.....complication and all the "horror" story behind pregnancy and childbirth....I admit it does bring impact in my heart and mind....But everything change when I found that I am pregnant....I forget all the fear because of LOVE...JOY...bring my little one to the world....Darling Travissh, mommy don't mind to gone through all the hardship bearing you for nine months....mommy don't mind to scarifice my career to look after you....mommy don't mind not get enough sleep preparing your milk....changing your diapers...because you are the most precious and priceless gift from God.
First Trimester (Month One, Two, Three)
Flash back.......two weeks after attended my convocation, I had a bad flu, fever and cough. At first, I thought it was an ordinary sickness...but when it not recovered for two weeks although I did take medicine and consult a doctor, I felt weird...was something goes wrong to my body. Normally , I will recover from fever for a few days after taking medicine. It never come accross in my mind that it was the sign of pregnancy although my period was late.....Suddenly, one day (18 December) , I felt I wanted to try pregnancy test kit....who know.... I said to myself.....I asked my hubby to buy from pharmacy nearby our place. It showed positive result.....I am so happy, excited and tears of joy flow out......but it was undeniable....I do feel scared and blured....Am I ready enough physically and physiologically to be a mother? My hubby hugged and kissed me.....I know deep inside her heart...he can't wait to see our little one....He loves baby more than I do.....
I couldn't really slept for the whole nite...I think so many things......can I become a good mother? How he going to look like? who are going to look after him when he born? The next day I informed news of my pregnancy to all my collagues. Since that I received best and special treatment from them. I was treated like a queen....you are so lucky baby everybody love and adore you even before you are born....special thanks to Mama Ling2, Aunty Liew, Ummie Siti, mummy Carol..
Finally i have recovered....no more flu...fever and cough....week 7 (23 December 2008) I went for my first checkup.......normal procedure they measure my weight, height, took my blood, urine test and so on...among all I still remember how pale I was when nurse took my blood..i still can feel the needle and how it "sucked" my blood....baby still unpaipable....
I am consider myself very lucky I didn't experience any bad morning sickness and nausea like other preggies...just minor nausea but consider ok...my apetite also ok just that I hate the smell of chicken.....hence, for the whole first trimester my hubby and I didn't eat chicken...I bought Anmum Materna and took food supplement like Elken Spirulina, Elken Dr. Xeniji, Vitamin A, B complex, C, folic acid and iron...I really particular about what I eat as well to ensure my baby get enough nutrients. ...I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits....my favourite food during first trimester was corncup and fish (any kind of fish especially ikan kembung)
Second Trimester (Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Months)
Time flies very fast....I never miss my monthly checkup and as usually Travissh loyal dad will accompany us......Mummy get first and second tetanus injection at second trimester......no more fear....hehe....I also gain weight and baby growing very fast at this stage.....really can't wait to feel his first quickening.....
One of the most magical, memorable and exciting moment for pregnant woman in second trimester is feeling the baby move for the first time referred as "quickening." Although baby has been wriggling around since ninth week but he or she has been too small for mom to feel. Week 20 for the first time ever, while I was lying down....I felt his first kicks......Feeling those flutters, hiccups and kicks is an amazing and personal moment. Moment I will (for sure) remember for the rest of my life...
All my baby stuffs has been ready during month 4....takut deliver awal...he.he...
Rezeki my little baby I received very good news from UiTM shah Alam informing I get the scholarship doing my Masters.....tak sia sia mummy n baby interview kat shah alam dulu...praise the Lord.
Third Trimester (Month Seven, Eight and Nine)
I still active as usual....just a little bit fatique and getting feel not so comfortable.....especially at nite...hardly get enough sleep......getting impatience to cuddle my little one....
Month seven we went for baby scanning at Kuching Specialist. Thanks God everything ok and he was predicted boy.....of course the most happiest person in the world is dad to be...ada geng watching football match...playing futsal and golf...
Like other preggies I olso craving......I love corncup....almost everyday after back from work we stop by at BDC to buy corncup...another thing that I crave for is durian mentah...dahlah time tu bukan durian season...kempunan i tak dpt mkn...
Healthy Eating
During pregnant I will ensure I eat healthy food. I terpaksa tahan diri tak makan sangat junk food. I took food supplement. Really thankful my baby is healthy.......special thanks to Dr. Zeniji formula (although price very expensive but worth it) to prevent jaundice. I also drink a lot of plain water, Ribena and Anmum. Drink lots of water because loss of it can result in urinal tract infection, dehydration, water retention, constipation etc. I also make myself fresh juices and fruits. According to research to prevent leg swollen makesure pregnant woman drink a lot of water....
Feel Happy
Pregnancy is the rite time to focus on yourself. Don't worry about the 'extra kilos' that you've put on. You look beautiful because women have special gift of connection herself to the unborn physically and psychologically, that's why it is an old saying that whatever a women goes through during pregnancy, the baby gets affected. Thats very true because happy mum for happy baby...
Tips for the would be dad
Just want to share with all the dad to be out there some tips that I found on the Net and also based on my on experience to create strong bond between them with the baby.....the relationship should be built from the beginning...We all know, it's not only the women who experiencing the little bundle of joy, but the would be dad can contribute in the development of the new one. His dream grows with his baby. it is true...really true.....I can see how excited my hubby during my pregnancy.......he always accompany me during my monthly checkup......giving me support and encouragement when I need.....make me a drink...ensured I take enough vitamin....
The father to be can contribute by keeping the homely atmosphere, pleasant, taking care of the medicines, and etc. My hubby really helpful during my pregnancy...he help to clean the house, washing clothes, massage me every nite except for cooking he.he..in fact he don't know how to cook...but he still helped me in the kitchen.
He should be on his toes to quench the thirst of would be mom. He should provide her everything that she craves for to have a healthy baby. Thanks God my hubby really worked hard during my pregnancy...he tried his best to full fill my wish...anything I want to eat he ensured to get for me.
He can even talk to the baby, tell the baby stories, sing lullaby for the abay and spending quality time with the pregnant wife....according to research the moment baby arrives, he/she will immediately recognize his/her father, his voice and will connect to him in no time...Hence almost every nite before we go to bed my hubby will read a bed time story and talked with our little one...at the same time he feel his movement....what i realize is whenever his daddy miss to touch him at nite (due to busy schedule) baby travissh will move alot....
Baby stuffs
Month 4 all my baby stuffs was ready...baby cot...mosquito net...clothes....cupboard...etc...takut deliver awal tak sempat prepare.....don't know why brand walt disney Winnie the Pooh become my choice...if possible all his stuffs pakai brand ni....but difficult to find....price i tak tengok sangat janji puas hati...
30th July 2009
I couldn't sleep the whole nite...although my fever has been recovered but coughing getting worse.......2.00a.m. i found that i was bleeding...i asked hubby to woke up....we rushing to SGH....2.30a.m. we arrived at SGH and immediately register at Labour Ward.....But i didn't feel any contraction yet....CTG scan was conducted to monitor baby heartbeat......doctor came to check V.....not yet open....I was given water drip......4.00a.m. I was sent to Room 9 to be isolated...guess what....aku kena suspected ada AH1N1....blood sample taken to be tested at Kota Kinabalu Sabah....Every 2 hours CTG scan will be conducted......I felt so bored....I switched on TV to reduce my unease feeling. Minta minta semua selamat...I talked to little Travissh asked him to be strong.....
31st July 2009
9.00a.m. I start to feel mild contraction...its on and off.....Doctor came check V....open 1cm....still 9cm to go......I just relaxing myself watching TV...as usuall CTG scan will always conducted.....hubby and other family member not allowed to see me.....2.30p.m. I start to feel frequent contraction....once in every 30 minutes.....open 4cm.......then once in every 10 minutes....4.00 pm. open 7cm...doctor broke the water.......I was asked to poo poo and shee shee and not allowed to take any foods or drinks.....but since i felt really thirsty I begged nurse to give me some water...probably she felt sympatize she gave to me...
5.20p.m. I could stand.........contraction getting painful...I took deep breathe to reduce pain....timbul keinsafan yang teramat sangat dalam diri...beginilah my mum bertarung nyawa melahirkan aku ke dunia...oh syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.....tears came out......I called nurse...felt wanna push...its 10cm....kelam kabut nurse call the doctors and another one nurse to assist her........she kept advise me to stay calm and do not push...while she prepared all the stuff...
They asked me to take a deep breathe and push...but I feel very weak...I was stop for a while...funny thing sempat lagi menjeling TV....tengok iklan aiscream mangga....magine I didn't take much food the whole day just water and a bit of porridge .....probably i didn't feel hungry because of water drip....then I try to push again....Travissh head can be seen....push again his shoulder and finally our little superhero was born.....doctor showed his bird to me to confirm he is a boy.....his weight and height was measured and I was asked to cuddle him for while....comelnya baby mummy putih macam salji....then he immediately taken to nursery...he can't be with me until result of AH1N1 come out.....sedih tidak terkira...if other mother are able with their little one I am alone.....
Episitomy repair.............I am grinning menahan sakit....nurse giving support...pain killer memang takde kesan langsung......3rd degree tears....teruknya koyak.....doctor who did the stitches buat de je tengok aku menahan sakit....finally around 6p.m. something.....everything done......lega......penat tidak terkira but puas hati sangat....keep thinking about Travissh......but due to fatique i managed to sleep well the whole nite....
1st August 2009
I still isolated at Room 9.....antibiotic drip was given.....my body temperature also being measured.....at 10.00 am I was sent for Xray.......Whenever nurse came and see me I will asked about the condition of my baby....thanks God he is in good health.....well done son...aduh bila lah aku boleh balik.....tension macam dalam jail dalam bilik ni....
2nd August 2009
Good news.....result came from Kota Kinabalu...I was negative AH1N1...yea boleh balik....I was discharged at 5.00pm after undergone a few checkup....blood pressure.....body temperature...so on.....MERDEKA....finally I can be with little Travissh....
I still isolated at Room 9.....antibiotic drip was given.....my body temperature also being measured.....at 10.00 am I was sent for Xray.......Whenever nurse came and see me I will asked about the condition of my baby....thanks God he is in good health.....well done son...aduh bila lah aku boleh balik.....tension macam dalam jail dalam bilik ni....
2nd August 2009
Good news.....result came from Kota Kinabalu...I was negative AH1N1...yea boleh balik....I was discharged at 5.00pm after undergone a few checkup....blood pressure.....body temperature...so on.....MERDEKA....finally I can be with little Travissh....
best of luck babe! :)
Haluu darling.....worth reading ur en3...such a luvly pic and g.luck anyway :)
Joan babe...thanks...joinlah babe...semadi boring
oh dear netti....thanks....
auk babe, ngajih ke indai vish tok menang. ngehehehe.
nda ku join babe, badu ku join suma contest. ngetu dulu. ku sebenarnya malas ka folo folo nitih syarat. asai ka join tp nda ga.
gud luck darling..
ur pic r such pretty vogue moms!
thanks zai u tu apa kurangnya...mengancam seh
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