I just wanna express my dissatisfaction..about difficulty of finding avent bpa free bottle at kuching...yes certain shop did sell but mostly not bpa free i mean they sell airflex....huhu..again i have to order online...due to this i plan to open baby shop here...
nes,cuba nn meli ba tuk: www.safetyplusbottles.com
hye babe.. zara pun guna avent bottle.. ;) and only certain shop je yg ada jual avent bpa free.. lagipon yg ni baru.. so most shop still jual yg lama... have u try MAM bottle? its BPA free as well.. once tried MAM bottle, zara mcm dah suka sgt Avent. maybe sbb teats dia mcm moms nipple ;) hehehe try la..
you can visit here mommy:
mommy yen thanks au...lagiku visit website ya
mommy zara...susah tul cari avent bpa free kat sini..lama tu ada diorang jual...MAM? ok nanti i try...i ni gila beli botol susu babe...kdg2 tak guna pun...
haha samer la ngan i babe.. serious! bila pegi baby dept.. mcm tangan ni gatal je amik itu la ini la.. nak pulak botol susu.. sampai my mom dah bising kata anak i sorang je tai botol susu dah mcm kat nursery.. huhu
puas hati kan babe tgk banyak2 collection botol susu.. sume brand pon ade. tommy tippee. avent, MAM, breastflow.. smpai botol yg disney pon i beli. bukan pakai pon tp sbb suka tgk ade picture2..
pastu susun banyak2.. huhuhu best la jumpe geng hobi collect botol susu baby ;p
kita memang leh geng ni babe...finally i jumpa geng gila beli botol susu....paling i teruk babe sanggup order online chelsea baby bottle..kalau collection dah 100 baru puas hati
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