LITTLE READER BY BRILLKID (picture taken from the official web of brillkid)...this is very much similar to YBCR specifically designed to teach baby to read which emphasize on phonic method. It not only come with CD, flash cards and books but also with software. FYI i only bought the software due to problem in shipping the hardware (CD, flash cards and books). Coz my friend did bought the deluxe kit which including software and hardware but when it arrive to Malaysia all are damaged. I don't want to take risk. It is more easy just to get the license and install in ur computer. It only can be install in two computers. Use for lifetime. Boleh diwariskan kepada anak2 yg seterusnya. Brill kid olso has Little Math, Little Mandarin. But these two i haven't buy. For me this program is superb...among all I like this the MOST...details info u click here. Now it seems a great challenge for me to teach vish using this program at this age as he loves to smash the computer unlike before. However I try my best use LRat least 3 times a week..kalau tak guna rugi pulak..stop once he has shown the symptom of become incredible hulk...most of the time i just use YBCR and Baby Einstein.
BABY EINSTEIN SERIES. This is Vish favourite series especially animal in the farm. It has books, flash cards and CD. I strongly recommend the CD as it is very effective to teach ur child about colours, shapes, many different languages, songs, animals, environment, body parts, water, farm etc..bahasa perancis and jepun pun ada jugak...memang best this product...kira complete semuanya...It has 20 series of CD...I am very thankful Vish really learn a lot from both baby einstein flash card and CD ....he know most of wild and farm animal/body parts before reach one it is so fun and enjoyable even me myself loves to watch with him...the flash card also interesting as it show the real images of things...I tell I am very choosy in buying either books or flash card for vish...I dont like cartoon character!!! however some of baby einstein flash card and book has cartoon be good in choosing...
YOUR BABY CAN READ PROGRAM BY DR.TITZER. It is designed specifically to teach baby to read as early age since 4 months onwards...It come with CD, flash card and books. The YBCR program is based on the fact that your baby uses associations to learn new things. It will show them what the word looks like, show them a picture of the word in action and let the baby hear the sound of the word in action as well. So using the senses of sight and sound your child is being entertained by seeing all the pieces together. I strongly believe child brains are just geared to learn language much better than ours and learn much faster. After I have shown Vish the flash card then I will enhance the learning process by play him the YBCR CD. So it is so enjoyable. Once a day for about 30 minutes for both flash card session and CD session. First of all, the main reason I am so eager to teach my Vish to read at such a young age is so he would have a head start in school and in this crucial stage of the development of their brains. Many parents wait too long to even try to teach their children anything, but they are very capable (even at a few months old) of learning basic concepts if you are willing to teach them. I was looking for a reading system that not only taught him how to read, but how to think things through and make these mental challenges fun as well.
Learning system by leafrog...this is our friends since vish 3 mons..I likes this product very much...especially the leappad touch (pink colour)...mommy is not intentionally bought pink colour for vish but blue is out of stock...just touch the picture or words then it will make a sound either reading or singing. the green colour is using pen like croco pen. Touch the word or images with pen then it will read/spell or sing or make a sound.
Croco Pen...the talking magical pen brings every inch of the book pages or every piece of learning material to life with sounds, words, ryhmes, music and games. To use it is simple just touch the pen to any word or images and it will make a sound. Very interesting but Vish just loves to licks the pen. For the time being mommy has keep this croco pen until he reach 3yrs..
Alphabet and Numbers craving blocks..also Vish favourite...As I mentioned I never formally teach Vish ABC but he did learn from this, CD, song and also from his former babysitter..Now he not only mastered in memorizing the song but olso recognize each of the alphabet. But for numbers i did teach him formally..penting tu...counting ma...
This is some of Vish flash cards collections. Im sure most of us aware the benefits of flash cards to teach our child about things and even to teach them to read. I would recommend double sided flash card. word in front and picture at the back. This is the best method not only to tell them about thing but READ as well. To make it effective please flash one card in one second. Repeat this twice a day. start with a few flash card (eg 5 cards per session) then increase as the card gradually. However please stop once child has shown they are getting bored.
Story book that I sometimes read to Vish before sleeping or leisure time. Take about 2 to 5 minutes.
Mini books in the box... Vish favourite..
Mini books in the box... Vish favourite..
This entry is specially created for Mommy Livana, Mommy Morney, Mommy Etiey and other mommies who have asking me about Vish education materials. Kira dh langsai hutang ye..FYI I have six main educational materials as an aidto teach him, including software, books, electronic devices, CD, blocks and toys. I'll explain some of the methods here. Each of the materials has their own pros and cons. So choose the right one that suit u and ur child the most, doesn't matter it cheap or expensive. You olso can make ur own flash card using manila card. Just that give an extra effort no matter how busy we are. Early child education is extremly important particularly in today's modern sophisticated world. Remember ,all babies/kids are genius just that we are degenusing them, we dont understand or underestimate their potential, or more worst ignore..selalu dengar "cikgu kan ada utk ajar"..aik jgn depend merely dengan cikgu as a parents we olso need to play our part. At early age babies/kids brain are like sponge. so apa yang diorang observe, see, touch, feel etc senang nak absorb. makin awal kita ajar makin bagus.
But no matter what materials u use and utilize , my advice is please DO NOT FORCE our young child to "study / learn hard" by forcing them to read/write/learn. Bare in mind, at early age child learn through playing. Make the teaching and learning process as fun and enjoyable as possible without making ur child stress. I never force Vish to attach to book or other education materials, i let him in love with it naturally. I'll stop the "reading session" before he feel bored. I want him to have the feeling of "I still want more and more". Honestly I never taught Vish Alphabet /ABC coz for me there is no point if they know how to pronounce/memorize/sing A-Z but don't know the function of letters and make a word from the letter. What we can see in Malaysia most kindergarten start with ABC. I dont say it wrong but what for if the child is only memorize the letters without knowing how the connection of letter which make a word . I believe in phonic word . What is phonic? Ill tell the details in other entry. However Vish did learn alphabet from his babysitter, CD and song. That is the bonus for us. How about numbers? YES it need to be teach as early as possible.
Some parents said another difficulty is to keep the child focus. Yup I olso facing the same problem. Well they are prefer to walking, wandering, exploring etc thus less time to focus on book / flash card/ for example. So be creative u do the game and playing together with the child. Sedangkan adult lagi pandai boring inikan pula budak2 kan. By the way, I'll will discuss about this in detail in other entry.
Sometimes they don't automatically or immediately catch up what u teach. So janganlah fikir anak u lembab sebab dia slow in term of "pick up level" Every child is unique so don't try to compare ur child with others. some are born to be advance and smart some need an extra effort. Do know and understand ur own child. Recognize their potential and enhance the capability.
Ok thats all..if you need any further information abt the product kindly contact me. Ill will explain in detail. tq. sharing is caring. Last word. Jangan lokek nak spend utk keperluan pelajaran anak. It is very worthy investment.
But no matter what materials u use and utilize , my advice is please DO NOT FORCE our young child to "study / learn hard" by forcing them to read/write/learn. Bare in mind, at early age child learn through playing. Make the teaching and learning process as fun and enjoyable as possible without making ur child stress. I never force Vish to attach to book or other education materials, i let him in love with it naturally. I'll stop the "reading session" before he feel bored. I want him to have the feeling of "I still want more and more". Honestly I never taught Vish Alphabet /ABC coz for me there is no point if they know how to pronounce/memorize/sing A-Z but don't know the function of letters and make a word from the letter. What we can see in Malaysia most kindergarten start with ABC. I dont say it wrong but what for if the child is only memorize the letters without knowing how the connection of letter which make a word . I believe in phonic word . What is phonic? Ill tell the details in other entry. However Vish did learn alphabet from his babysitter, CD and song. That is the bonus for us. How about numbers? YES it need to be teach as early as possible.
Some parents said another difficulty is to keep the child focus. Yup I olso facing the same problem. Well they are prefer to walking, wandering, exploring etc thus less time to focus on book / flash card/ for example. So be creative u do the game and playing together with the child. Sedangkan adult lagi pandai boring inikan pula budak2 kan. By the way, I'll will discuss about this in detail in other entry.
Sometimes they don't automatically or immediately catch up what u teach. So janganlah fikir anak u lembab sebab dia slow in term of "pick up level" Every child is unique so don't try to compare ur child with others. some are born to be advance and smart some need an extra effort. Do know and understand ur own child. Recognize their potential and enhance the capability.
Ok thats all..if you need any further information abt the product kindly contact me. Ill will explain in detail. tq. sharing is caring. Last word. Jangan lokek nak spend utk keperluan pelajaran anak. It is very worthy investment.
tq dear... tp kan yang susu hypo tu i tak de la pula trima... dalma inbox.. atau inbox yg prob?
whoaaa...untung betol vish neh..mommy vish mmg terbaek!
etiey i dh try buat lagi entry tu hri nie..i dh publish dh..check it out k..i send to ur fb inbox hri tu..
bonda dadif utk vish mommy rela buat apa saja..hehe..smua ibu mcm tu kan
Mummy Vish: I'm searching for the YBCR flash cards (Double-sided and Lift the flap version). May I know where you by them. Thanks!
Mummy Vish: I'm searching for the YBCR flash cards (Double-sided and Lift the flap version). May I know where you by them. Thanks!
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